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  • Marea Archaeological Project | Publikacje



    1809 – Description de l’Égypte, Etat moderne, tome I...


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    Szymańska, Babraj 2001 – H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, ‘Marea: First Interim Report, 2000’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XII: Reports 2000 (Warsaw 2001), pp. 35–45. http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/pam/PAM_2000_XII/45.pdf

    Szymańska, Babraj 2001 – H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, ‘Marea am Maryut-See, die erste Grabungssaison, Herbst 2000’, Kemet 10.3, pp. 65-69.


    Décobert 2002 – Ch. Décobert, ‘Mareotide médiévale. Des béduins et des chrétiens’, [in:] Ch. Décobert (ed.), Alexandrie médiévale 2 (=Études alexandrines 8), Le Caire, pp. 148–160.

    Grossmann 2002 – P. Grossmann, Christliche Architektur in Ägypten (= Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, 62), Leiden-Boston-Köln.

    Kucharczyk 2002 – R. Kucharczyk, ‘Marea 2001: Windowpanes and Other Glass Finds’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIII: Reports 2001 (Warsaw 2002), pp. 65–71.


    Majcherek 2002 – G. Majcherek, ‘Marea 2001: Note on the Pottery’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIII: Reports 2001 (Warsaw 2002), pp. 60–64.


    Rodziewicz 2002 – M. Rodziewicz, ‘Mareotic Harbours’,  [in:] Ch. Décobert (ed.), Alexandrie médiévale 2 (=Études alexandrines 8), Le Caire, pp. 1–22.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2002 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Second Interim Report, 2001’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIII: Reports 2001 (Warsaw 2002), pp. 45–59.



    El-Din Moussa 2003 – F. S. el-Din Moussa, ‘Quelques aspects de la vie quotidienne représentés à Marea Byzantine’, [in:] Z. Hawass (ed), Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo 2000, Cairo-New York, pp. 478–486.

    Grossmann 2003 – P. Grossmann, ‘Nochmals zu Marea und Philoxenite’, Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 42, pp. 13–29.

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    Szymańska, Babraj 2003 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Wstępny raport z wykopalisk w Marei w Egipcie. Sierpień-wrzesień 2002’, Materiały Archeologiczne XXXIV, pp. 159–164. 

    Szymańska, Babraj 2003 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Season 2002’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIV: Reports 2002 (Warsaw 2003), pp. 39–48.



    Szymańska, Babraj 2004 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Fourth Season of Excavations’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XV: Reports 2003 (Warsaw 2004), pp. 53–62.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2004 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘The Ancient Port of Marea, Egypt’, Minerva 15.3, pp. 26–28.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2004 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Köperpflege mit allem Konfort. Die Ruine eines Bades am Maryut-See in Ägypten sprechen für einen hohen technischen Standard in byzantinischer Zeit’, Antike Welt 35.6, pp. 21–28.


    Kucharczyk 2005 – R. Kucharczyk, ‘Glass Finds from the Basilica in Marea 2004’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVI: Reports 2004 (Warsaw 2005), pp. 54–59.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2005 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Excavations 2004’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVI: Reports 2004 (Warsaw 2005), pp. 43–54.


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    Szymańska, Babraj 2006 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Polish Excavations in the Basilica at Marea’, Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 45, pp. 107–117.


    Kucharczyk 2007 – R. Kucharczyk, ‘Late Roman/Early Byzantine Glass the Basilica in Marea’, Polish Archaeology in the MediterraneanXVII: Reports 2005 (Warsaw 2007), pp. 70–74.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2007 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Sixth Season of Excavations’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVII: Reports 2005 (Warsaw 2007), pp. 55–67.


    Wrońska Kucy 2007 – B. Wrońska Kucy, ’Mare 2005: Masonry Conservation Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVII: Reports 2005 (Warsaw 2007), pp. 67–69.



    Babraj, Mycielska-Dowgiałło, Szymańska, Woronko 2008 – K. Babraj, E. Mycielska-Dowgiałło, H. Szymańska, B. Woronko, ‘Rozwój starożytnego miasta Marea w Egipcie na tle warunków środowiska’, Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Wyższej Przymierza Rodzin w Warszawie, Seria Geograficzno-Turystyczna 1, pp. 7–25.

    Babraj, Szymańska 2008 – K. Babraj, H. Szymańska, ‘History, Location and Excavations at Marea’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 11–16.

    Derda 2008 – T. Derda, ‘Inscriptions from the Baths and Saqiyah’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 169–176.

    Kucharczyk 2008 – R. Kucharczyk, ‘Glass Finds from the Baths and Saqiyah’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 129–144.

    Lichocka 2008 – B. Lichocka, ‘The Early Byzantine Coins’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 145–152.

    Majcherek 2008 – G. Majcherek, ‘The Pottery Assemblage from the Baths and Saqiyah’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 105–128.

    Malarczyk 2008 – D. Malarczyk, ‘Umayyad Coins’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 153–160.

    Mycielska-Dowgiałło, Woronko 2008 – E. Mycielska-Dowgiałło, B. Woronko, ‘Evolution of the Natural Environment in the Region of Marea’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 17–26.

    Szymańska 2008 – H. Szymańska, ‘Pottery Lamps from the Baths, Saqiyah and Funerary Chapel’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 161–168.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2008 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Report on the Excavations of the Polish Archaeological Mission in 2006’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVIII: Reports 2006 (Warsaw 2008), pp. 51–61.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2008 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2008 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Baths’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 27–84.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2008 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Saqiyah’, [in:] H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Marea, vol. I. Byzantine Marea. Excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006 (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie IV), Kraków, pp. 85–104.

    Wrońska Kucy 2008 – B. Wrońska Kucy, ‘Marea: Conservation Worka t Marea in 2006’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVIII: Reports 2006 (Warsaw 2008), pp. 62–67.



    Szymańska, Babraj 2009 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Polish Excavations in the Basilica at Marea (Egypt) in 2007 and 2008’,  Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 48, pp. 77–84.

    Kucharczyk 2009 – R. Kucharczyk, 'Windowpanes from the Bath in Marea. A Look at Late Antique Glazing Techniques', [in:] M.F. Boussac, Th. Fournet, and B. Redon (eds), Le bain collectif en Egypte (=Etudes urbaines 7), Le Caire 2009, pp. 255-262. 



    Abd-el-Ghani 2010 – M.S. Abd-el-Ghani, ‘The Mareotic Region in Ancient Sources’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 3–5.

    Haggag 2010 – M. Haggag, ‘Fawzi El-Fakharani : Pioneer Excavator at Mareotis’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 1–2.

    Haggag 2010 – M. Haggag, ‘The City of Marea/Philoxenité. Reflections on the Alexandria University Excavations, 1977-1981’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 47–56.

    Khalil 2010 – E. Khalil, ‘Waterfront Installations and Maritime Activities in the Mareotic Region’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 135–145.

    Pichot 2010 – V. Pichot, ‘Marea Peninsula: Occupation and Workshop Activities on the Shores of Lake Mariout in the Work of the Centre d’Études Alexandrines (CEAlex, CNRS USR 3134)’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 57–66 .

    Pichot 2010 – V. Pichot, ‘La Maréotide: histoires en eaux troubles’, [in:] I. Hairy (ed.), Du Nil à Alexandrie: histoires d’eaux; exposition au Laténium du 23 octobre 2009 au 30 mai 2010, Alexandrie, pp. 158–189.

    Rodziewicz 2010 – M. Rodziewicz, ‘On Interpretations of Archaeological Evidence Concerning Marea and Philoxenite’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 67–74.

    Szymańska 2010 – H. Szymańska, ‘Report on the Activities of the Polish Archaeological Mission at Marea in 2007’, Annales du Service des Antiquité de l’Égypte 84, pp. 401–409.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2010 – H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, ‘Marea: Eighth Season of Excavations’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIX: Reports 2007 (Warsaw 2010), pp. 71–76.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2010 – H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, ‘Marea or Philoxenite? Polish Excavations in the Mareotic Region 2000–2007’, [in:] L. Blue (ed.), Lake Mareotis: Reconstructing the Past Proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008 (= BAR Int. Ser. 2113), Oxford, pp. 75–85.

    Wrońska Kucy 2010 – B. Wrońska-Kucy, ‘Conservation Worka at Marea in 2007’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIX: Reports 2007 (Warsaw 2010), pp. 77–80.



    Blue, Khalil 2011 – L.K. Blue, E. Khalil, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Alexandria’s Economic Past: The Lake Mareotis Research Project, BAR–IS 2285, University of Southampton Archaeological Series 5, Oxford.

    Drzymuchowska 2011 – A. Drzymuchowska, ‘Marea 2008: Pottery from Excavations’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XX: Reports 2008 (Warsaw 2011), pp. 97–101.


    Szymańska, Babraj 2011 – H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, ‘Marea: Excavations 2008’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XX: Reports 2008 (Warsaw 2011), pp. 81–96.



    Drzymuchowska 2012 – A. Drzymuchowska, ‘Marea 2009: Pottery from Excavations’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXI: Reports 2009 (Warsaw 2012), pp. 72–77.

    Kogut, Zięba 2012 – J.P. Kogut, J. Zięba, ‘Numerical Modeling of Response of the Ancient Pottery Kiln from Marea (Egypt) due to the Soil Loading’, AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering 36.1, pp. 203–209.

    Kościuk 2012 – J. Kościuk, ‘Preliminary Observations on Late Antique Marea Topography’, [in:] J. Dobesz, A. Gryglewska, M. Bogusz (eds), Nie tylko trony, Wrocław, pp. 29– 38.

    Szymańska, Babraj 2012 – H. Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, ‘Marea: Report 2009’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXI: Reports 2009 (Warsaw 2012), pp. 59–71.


    Wipszycka 2012 – E. Wipszycka, ‘Marea and Philoxenite. Where to Locate Them?’, Études et Travaux 25, pp. 418–432.

    Woronko 2012 – B. Woronko, ‘Late-Holocene Dust Accumulation within the Ancient Town of Marea (Costal Zone of the South Mediterranean Sea, N Egypt)’, Quaternary International 266, pp. 4–13.


    Babraj, Szymańska 2013 – K. Babraj, H. Szymańska, ‘Badania bazyliki i mol w Marei w Egipcie’, Materiały archeologiczne XXXIX, pp.169–194.

    Babraj, Szymańska, Drzymuchowska, Willburger 2013 – K. Babraj, H. Szymańska, Anna Drzymuchowska, Nina Willburger, ‘Eleventh season of excavations at Marea (2010). With Appendix : The harbor jetties of Marea’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXII: Reports 2010 (Warsaw 2013), pp. 55–78.

    Kogut 2013 – J.P. Kogut, ‘Numerical Modeling and Analysis oft he Ancient Pottery Kiln from Marea (Egypt)’, Materiały Archeologiczne XXXIX, pp. 55–65.


    Babraj, Drzymuchowska, Willburger 2014 – K. Babraj, A. Drzymuchowska, N. Willburger, ‘Marea 2011’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXIII/1: Reports 2011 (Warsaw 2014), pp. 45–62.

    Pichot 2014 – V. Pichot, ‘Deux maisons-tours dans la chôra d’Alexandrie’, [in:] S. Marchi (ed.), Les maisons-tours en Égypte durant la basse époque, les périodes ptolémaïque et romaine. Actes de la table-ronde de Paris, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) 29-30 novembre 2012 (=NeHet 2), Paris, pp. 135–155.

    Pichot, Boussac, Wuttmann 2014 – V. Pichot, M.-F. Boussac, M. Wuttmann, ‘Le porte-cassolette de Maréa/Philoxénité’, [in:] J.-Y. Empereur (ed.), Alexandrina 4 (=Études alexandrines 32), Alexandrie, pp. 165–185.


    Babraj, Kogut 2015 – K. Babraj, J.P. Kogut, ‘Late-Roman and Early-Byzantine Analogues of Structures in Marea/Philoxenite’, Materiały Archeologiczne XL, pp. 87–100.

    Wielgosz-Rondolino, Gwiazda 2015 – D. Wielgosz-Rondolino, M. Gwiazda, ‘A Late Antique House in Marea, Egypt. Excavation Season 2014’, Światowit XII(LIII)(2014)/A, pp. 255–261.


    Wielgosz-Rondolino, Gwiazda 2016 – D. Wielgosz-Rondolino, M. Gwiazda, ‘Marea season 2014. Excavation in House H1’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXV: Reports 2014 (Warsaw 2016), pp. 115–126.


    Babraj, Tarara 2018 – K. Babraj, D. Tarara, Highlights from the Polish Excavations at Marea/Philoxenite 2000–2014, [in:] G. Gabra, H.N. Takla (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Northern Egypt: Beni Suef, Giza, Cairo, and Nile Delta, Cairo, pp. 281–295.


    Gwiazda, Wielgosz-Rondolino 2019 – M. Gwiazda, D. Wielgosz-Rondolino, ‘Marea’ on Lake Mareotis: A Roman Amphorae Dump, a Byzantine Period House, and Its Early Islamic Dwellers, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 2019, Vol. 105(2), pp. 259–273.

    Gwiazda, Pawlikowska-Gwiazda 2019 - M. Gwiazda, M. Pawlikowska-Gwiazda, Excavations next to House H1 in 'Marea' (Egypt) in 2017, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 28.2 (Warsaw 2019), pp. 61-79.


    Derda, Gwiazda, Misiewicz, Małkowski 2020 - T. Derda, M. Gwiazda, K. Misiewicz, and W. Małkowski, Marea/Northern Hawwariya in northern Egypt: Integrated results of non-invasive and excavation works, Archaeological Prospection 28(2), pp. 123-136.
    DOI: 10.1002/arp.1801

    Babraj, Drzymuchowska, Tarara 2020 – K. Babraj, A. Drzymuchowska, D. Tarara, The 5th Century Great Transept Basilica in Marea (Egypt) and the 4th Century Predecessor Church Discovered in 2018, [in:] K. Myśliwiec, A. Ryś (eds.), Crossing Time and Space to Commemorate Hanna Szymańska, Warsaw, Wiesbaden, pp. 11–34.

    Derda 2020 – T. Derda, ‘Marea’ ad Aegyptum: New Research and New Documents, [in:] K. Myśliwiec, A. Ryś (eds.), Crossing Time and Space to Commemorate Hanna Szymańska, Warsaw, Wiesbaden, pp. 61–74.

    Derda, Gwiazda, Pawlikowska-Gwiazda 2020 – T. Derda, M. Gwiazda, A. Pawlikowska-Gwiazda, Development of a Settlement on the Northeastern Promontory at ‘Marea’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29.2, pp. 529–550.

    Derda, Gwiazda, Barański, Pawlikowska-Gwiazda, Wieczorek 2020 – T. Derda, M. Gwiazda, T. Barański, A. Pawlikowska-Gwiazda, D.F. Wieczorek, Excavations in the Northern and Eastern parts of the Byzantine Town at Marea, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29.2, pp. 551–576.

    Jastrzebowska 2020 – E. Jastrzębowska, Capitals on the Move: from Late Antiquity to 18th century Poland, [in:] K. Myśliwiec, A. Ryś (eds.), Crossing Time and Space to Commemorate Hanna Szymańska, Warsaw, Wiesbaden, pp. 83–96.

    Lichocka 2020 – B. Lichocka, Un rouleau de folles découvert à Marea (Égypte), [in:] K. Myśliwiec, A. Ryś (eds.), Crossing Time and Space to Commemorate Hanna Szymańska, Warsaw, Wiesbaden, pp. 147–158.


    Gwiazda, Derda 2021 - M. Gwiazda, T. Derda, Marea: a swan song of ancient urban planning, Antiquity 95(382), E21.


    Gwiazda, Derda, Barański 2021 - M. Gwiazda, T. Derda, T. Barański, From Roman industrial center to early Islamic town: archaeological excavations at ʻMarea’/Philoxenite in the 2020–2021 field season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 31, pp. 333-373.


    Gwiazda 2023 - M. Gwiazda, The Pilgrim Town of Philoxenite and Settlement Continuation in the Early Islamic Hinterland of Alexandria, Egypt, Journal of Islamic Archaeology 10.1, pp. 5-36.

    Gwiazda 2023 - M. Gwiazda, Modular Designs at the Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Site of Philoxenite, Egypt, Journal of Roman Archaeology 36, pp. 196-214.

    Derda, Gwiazda, Burdajewicz 2023 - T. Derda, M. Gwiazda, and J. Burdajewicz,  A Private House in 'Marea'/Philoxenite Transformed into a Monastic Institution and Other Christian Hybrid Buildings in the Mareotis Region. Journal of Coptic Studies 25, pp. 107-138 https://www.academia.edu/108074421/A_private_house_in_Marea_Philoxenite_transformed_into_a_monastic_institution_and_other_christian_hybrid_buildings_in_the_Mareotis_Region

    Jaworski 2023 - P. Jaworski, Preliminary notes on the coins found in Marea/Philoxenite. A Byzantine city in the hinterland of Alexandria, [in:]  M. Asolati (ed.), ...per mediterraneum. la moneta tra nord Africa ed Europa occidentale in età antica e post-antica. Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica e di Storia monetaria. Padova, 27-29 ottobre 2022 (Numismatica Patavina 15). Padowa, pp. 37-48.

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